Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Preliminary Task Evaluation

Brief:  This exercise involves filming and editing a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom she/he then exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue. This task should demonstrate match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180-degree rule. 

Planning process and pre-production: We first completed a storyboard,  is a shot by shot of a graphic representation of how our video would unfold, to have a foundation for the task. Then a full log of all the shots we would use ,called a shot list, was created from the storyboard for our clip to show which direction our video would be going. The script was made for the dialogue that would be spoken in the video. The script consisted of movement, facial expressions and action for which would be acted for the video. We are able to exhibit our understanding of script writing for this task and able to enable our ability to showcase our abilities in these areas of the task. 
Strengths: We wanted the short clip to be humours and for a factor of parody to be used in the clip. Our use of the 180 degree rule and using this skill to show our understanding of the rule, also, our match on action and shot reverse shot was very well done. Our use of mise-en-scene was equal to what was shown on the screen. We were able , I think, to immerse the audience with these abilities infused into the short clip and the enigma codes really built the tension we were aiming for. 

Weakness: The bad sound quality due to a lot of background sounds, specifically in the beginning for the exterior scene. We may have also failed to use media editing skills such as adding diegetic sounds which may have added to the tension building in the clip. Another weakness for our clip was the lack of steady tension built as I think we threw the audience into a face-paced, no detail into how characters got in and out of scenes and aspects of not needed low-key lighting(which wasn't favourable to us) may of faulted our video also. The editing of the scenes were quite lagged and also not quick to transition into other scenes of the clip too. 

Conclusion: There is a sense of wittiness to our clip but because of lack of august cinematography led to the clip being bog-standard. Learning through our mistakes will lead us to make a more successful and packed with a use of robust cinematography to really gear in audiences and making ourselves more distinct form others.

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